
Valle-Inclán, poeta moderno no canonizado (reedición revisada y ampliada)

Acaba de ver la luz, a cargo del Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidade da Coruña, la reedición, revisada y ampliada, del volumen Valle-Inclán, poeta moderno no canonizado, de Rosario Mascato Rey. La monografía, que resultó ganadora del Premio Concepción Arenal de Investigación en Humanidades en 2012, analiza a través de materiales procedentes de la […]


“Galicianness” and Translation in Valle-Inclán, at the Universitat de Barcelona

Rosario Mascato, the coordinator and editor of, was invited by the University of Barcelona to deliver a talk as part of the acts organized during the stay of the exhibition Outros Verbos, Novas Lecturas: Valle-Inclán, Traducido, at the Faculty of Philology and Communication. Last Tuesday, February 11th, at the Aula Joan Maragall, Mascato offered […]

A Day of War (A Stellar Vision)

One of the fundamental milestones in Ramón del Valle-Inclán´s life, and the trigger for part of his international recognition was his participation as an intellectual and war journalist in the I World War, invited by the French government. He travelled from Madrid in April 27th, 1916 and stayed in France for two months. During this […]