The Bibliography of Scottish Literature in Translation (BOSLIT) is an online resource that offers an extensive and readily accessible source of information about Scottish literature in translation. With currently over 30,000 records, and steadily increasing, BOSLIT aims to serve the needs of academic researchers, writers and translators, libraries, schools, literature administrators and general readers. A wealth of information Through consulting BOSLIT you can find out, for example — How often has Irvine Welsh's 'Trainspotting?' been translated into Welsh? Which European countries have a strong interest in Henryson, Burns, and the Scottish ballads? What has been the worldwide impact of 'Ivanhoe'or 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?' As well as poetry, drama and prose writing, BOSLIT records translations of material from the oral tradition, together with works by Scottish historians, philosophers,scientists, theologians and others whose works have aesthetic, intellectual and cultural significance.