Rosario Mascato, the coordinator and editor of, was invited by the University of Barcelona to deliver a talk as part of the acts organized during the stay of the exhibition Outros Verbos, Novas Lecturas: Valle-Inclán, Traducido, at the Faculty of Philology and Communication.
Last Tuesday, February 11th, at the Aula Joan Maragall, Mascato offered a presentation with the title Galicianness and Translation in Valle-Inclán across-borders, to explore the links between the depiction of the author´s homeland in his works, and the success obtained by them in the international literary market.
The act was presided by Rosario Álvarez, President of the Consello da Cultura Galega, and the Vice-Dean of Research and International Relations, Josep Solervicens. It also counted with the presence of Carlos Mandianes, President of the Centro Galego de Barcelona; and Gaston Gilabert, director of the Aula de Teatro de Filología.
The act was followed by a guided tour to the Exhibition, where Mascato explained the main features of the international image of Ramón del Valle-Inclán and his works translated into fifteen different languages during his lifetime. And compared it with the impact of other Spanish writers such as Blasco Ibáñez, Unamuno, Machado or the Quintero Brothers, highlighting the differences between two complementary representations of Spanish literature abroad: either Atlantic or Mediterranean.
The exhibition will remain open in the UB until next February, 20th, thanks to an agreement of the University of Barcelona, the Office of Tourism of the Centro Galego de Barcelona, and the Consello da Cultura Galega.