Our PROJECTS Materials

"Strictly speaking, is not every translation in effect a new and original work? […] I know that when I have read my writings translated into another language I have been aware of echoes and reverberations which lay sleeping in the depths of my spirit, I have glimpsed horizons which the firm and severe contours of my native tongue did not permit me to see. And I have sometimes thought of making a new work based upon the retranslation of the translation." (Miguel de Unamuno, “Author´s preface”. Essays and Soliloques, London: George Harrap & Company Ltd., 1925)

SilverAgeLab: Translations Database

Spanish literary productions translated into English, French, Italian and Portuguese (1914-1940)

Blockchain network , Machine learning , deep learning and neural networks concept. Blue Distributed connection atom with black background , 3d rendering

SilverAgeLab IberCorpus (1920-1940)

Media materials for the study of the Iberian cultural intersystem from historiographical margins.


Spanish Literary Canon across Borders

Spanish and Portuguese Literary Fields in Contact (1906-1936)

Valle-Inclán Lusófilo

Valle-Inclán in Translation

Digital Exhibition

Blockchain network , Machine learning , deep learning and neural networks concept. Blue Distributed connection atom with black background , 3d rendering

When I have read my writings translated into another language I have been aware of echoes and reverberations which lay sleeping in the depths of my spirit, I have glimpsed horizons which the firm and severe contours of my native tongue did not permit me to see (Miguel de Unamuno).

Miguel de Unamuno

En premier lieu, un traducteur est un homme qui n’a aucun droit; il n’a que des devoirs. Il doit témoigner à son auteur une fidélité de caniche, mais un caniche étrange, qui se conduirait comme un singe (Maurice E. Coindreau).

Maurice E. Coindreau