
SilverAgeLab en la jornada Cultura Dixital: retos, capacidades e oportunidades no Sistema de Ciencia-Tecnoloxía de Galicia

El 22 de abril, tendrá lugar en el Edificio Fontán (Gaiás, Santiago de Compostela), una jornada de intercambio científico organizada por Campus Innova de la Universidade da Coruña, junto con CRUSOE (Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades del Suroeste Europeo) y el CISPAC (Centro Interuniversitario de los Paisajes Atlánticos y Culturales). Los grupos de investigación […]


“Galicianness” and Translation in Valle-Inclán, at the Universitat de Barcelona

Rosario Mascato, the coordinator and editor of Silveragelab.net, was invited by the University of Barcelona to deliver a talk as part of the acts organized during the stay of the exhibition Outros Verbos, Novas Lecturas: Valle-Inclán, Traducido, at the Faculty of Philology and Communication. Last Tuesday, February 11th, at the Aula Joan Maragall, Mascato offered […]

CIPPCE International Symposium 2019

SilverAgeLab Translations Database, to be presented in CIPPCE´s International Symposium on Emerging Virtual and Digital Practices

Next May 2, 2019, the Centro de Investigación de Procesos e Prácticas Culturais Emerxentes (CIPPCE), of the University of Santiago de Compostela, will host an international symposium on virtual and digital practices, as part of its aim of studying the literary, artistic and cultural emergence phenomena. In this year’s edition, SilverAgeLab Translations Database will be […]

A Day of War (A Stellar Vision)

One of the fundamental milestones in Ramón del Valle-Inclán´s life, and the trigger for part of his international recognition was his participation as an intellectual and war journalist in the I World War, invited by the French government. He travelled from Madrid in April 27th, 1916 and stayed in France for two months. During this […]